an Event for Architecture, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Product Design and other design or creative fields





“In the realm of oral tradition, over 2700 years ago, our ancestors envisioned a device that could move itself. This concept was further immortalized in Greek myth, where Hephaestus, the god of fire, brought to life Talos, a robot, although its true nature was often misinterpreted and misunderstood. Today, we see the seeds of this myth in the form of omniscient AI, a future typology that gradually supplants human abilities and professions.

A future vision of machines that could end natural slavery just as every musical instrument could do its own thing, obeying and anticipating the will of others. Like a lyre without hands and a loom without people. The current concept of automation presents an overwhelming sense of worry as autonomous robotics are gradually replicating the role of humans. For this reason, we in the world of creativity need to self-criticize simple manual work, an analog reality that is very personal, grounded, and full of creativity.

In a simplified explanation, “analog” design can be understood as design that is not “digital”.

This means that in an analog design, if the design is disassembled, then all the small parts of the components that make it up can be understood as to how they work and how they were made. This is a different characteristic from digital design objects, where parts of the constituent components cannot be directly understood or understood by parties other than the creator.

This is the most fundamental difference between ‘analog’ and ‘non-analog’ or ‘digital’ qualities: analog leaves no questions for those who want to understand how it works. Transparent and exposed work processes, open to anyone who wants to understand and replicate them.

Under this framework, the true measure of progress lies in the results of human labor that can be easily understood and replicated by as many people as possible. This inherent nature of analog design fosters a sense of community, where individuals can work together to enhance the quality of their lives.

In “”Analog Life””, we invite anyone who wants to be involved in thinking analogously, discussing analog principles, presenting analog design products, and, if possible, designing an analog design object that can become a basis for other thoughts that can improve the quality of our lives together.”

  • Pavilion Instalation
  • Exhibition
  • Exhibition 1x1


30 October - 9 November 2024

The WOWRead initiative, an extension of the Wonders of Weaving project, weaves together various aspects of design practice—drawing, site surveys, interviews, coordination, and mental effort—into a comprehensive narrative that captures the essence of architecture beyond mere buildings. WOWRead is dedicated to supporting and promoting the documentation of architectural endeavors. We believe that exceptional design should […]

Bandung and Schoemakers
Bandung and Schoemakers

Bandung and Schoemakers

30 October - 9 November 2024

Schoemaker Bersaudara adalah sebuah pameran tentang sejarah arsitektur Indonesia modern awal yang menampilkan cerita dan karya dari Charles Prosper Wolff dan Richard Leonard Arnold Schoemaker di Bandung yang akan diadakan pada Oktober 2024. Mereka memiliki latar belakang sebagai Koninklijk Nederlands Indisch Leger (KNIL) dan memiliki biro arsitektur di Bandung dengan nama C.P. Schoemaker en Associatie […]

Rectangular Slanted Tree House
Rectangular Slanted Tree House

Rectangular Slanted Tree House

30 October - 9 November 2024
Pavilion Instalation

This is a tea house, or a place to drink tea, but it also serves as a digital library, making it a highly functional building for the community. It questions the relationship between nature and the digital world. Under the theme of “analog reality,” the building is entirely handcrafted by skilled artisans using traditional craftsmanship, […]

OASE Paviliun
OASE Paviliun

OASE Paviliun

30 October - 9 November 2024
Pavilion Instalation

Instalasi ini menghadirkan tiga bentuk dasar dalam arsitektur yaitu elemen garis, elemen kotak, dan elemen segitiga. Ketiga elemen ini jika disatukan dalam satu komposisi musik dia memiliki kualitas ruang yang sangat spesifik dan berbeda-beda. Mereka juga memiliki hubungan khusus antara alam dan manusianya sehingga di dalam event ini ketiga bangunan ini bisa saling berinteraksi. Elemen […]

DOT House
DOT House

DOT House

30 October - 09 November 2024
Exhibition 1x1

In the midst of all the engaging discussions regarding technological advancement, the substantial values of humanism in every process pf reasoning seems to be treated like an outdated trend of the past, as such way of understanding could easily got surpassed by other noble notions such as sustainability, energy efficiency, even ideas of identifications and […]

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  • Film Screening
  • Talkshow
  • Workshop
Film Screening: Humba Dreams (2019) Dir. Riri Riza
Film Screening: Humba Dreams (2019) Dir. Riri Riza

Film Screening: Humba Dreams (2019) Dir. Riri Riza

1 November 2024
Film Screening

HUMBA DREAMS bercerita tentang MARTIN (J.S. Khairen), seorang mahasiswa film di Jakarta yang Pulang ke Waingapu, Sumba Timur, untuk sebuah tugas yang tidak mudah. Perjalanan mempertemukan Martin dengan ANA (Ully Triani) dan berbagai pertanyaan tentang HUMBA dan dirinya perlahan menemukan jawaban.

Film Screening: Memoria (2021) Dir. Apichatpong Weerasetakhhull
Film Screening: Memoria (2021) Dir. Apichatpong Weerasetakhhull

Film Screening: Memoria (2021) Dir. Apichatpong Weerasetakhhull

25 October 2024
Film Screening

Sejak dikejutkan oleh “ledakan” keras saat fajar menyingsing, Jessica (Tilda Swintom) tidak bisa tidur. Di Bogota, saat menemui saudara perempuannya, dia berteman dengan Agnes, seorang arkeolog yang mempelajari sisa-sisa manusia yang ditemukan di dalam terowongan yang sedang dibangun. Jessica pergi menemui Agnes di lokasi penggalian. Di sebuah kota kecil di dekatnya, dia bertemu dengan seorang […]

Seminar Talk “Pecha Kucha”
Seminar Talk “Pecha Kucha”

Seminar Talk “Pecha Kucha”

8 November 2024

Pecha Kucha adalah kegiatan seminar yang singkat, padat dan terprojeksi secara cepat. Pecha Kucha membawa motivasi baru bagi seluruh peserta yang datang, sehingga peserta mendapatkan pengetahuan baru terkait arsitektur.

Workshop: Private Textile Art Experience
Workshop: Private Textile Art Experience

Workshop: Private Textile Art Experience

2, 8 November 2024

Fill your weekend with a therapeutic experience through our exclusive Private Textile Art session at Half-Made, Bintaro Design District 2024. In this 2-hour session, you will create a 15×15 cm mini tactile textile using post-industrial fabric offcuts, and take it home framed. Guided by Hana Surya, the creative director of Threadapeutic, you’ll learn the faux […]

Workshop: Brush and Sip
Workshop: Brush and Sip

Workshop: Brush and Sip

30 October - 9 November 2024

Looking to enjoy a nice chat while making a coaster and sipping a drink? Join us for our daily “Brush and Sip”! It’s a 13 cm x 13 cm coaster-making and learning experience featuring Threadapeutic textiles. Choose your preferred half-made coaster from the wall, then brush it with us. The coaster is limited in number […]

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  • Talkshow
  • Open Studio
  • Open Architecture
The Irreplaceable Practice in Filmmaking Culture
The Irreplaceable Practice in Filmmaking Culture

The Irreplaceable Practice in Filmmaking Culture

2 November 2024

Sesi ini akan berfokus pada bagaimana pengalaman sinema analog masih dan akan terus menjadi bagian perkembangan sinema modern. Setiap pembicara akan berbagi pengalaman dan temuan mereka dalam mendalami nilai2 analog dalam proses dan produksi film atau praktek kreatif lain.

OFF THE PAGE: Print Rewind, Press Forward
OFF THE PAGE: Print Rewind, Press Forward

OFF THE PAGE: Print Rewind, Press Forward

2 November 2024

In celebration of the analog roots of design, Grafis Masa Kini’s panel discussion delves into the analog techniques that have solidly shaped the graphic design practice and how analog thinking can push the practice forward. With opening remarks from BDD curator Danny Wicaksono, GMK invites an independent risograph publisher Binatang Press, and creative duo Tiny […]

Yolodi Maria Architects Open Studio
Yolodi Maria Architects Open Studio

Yolodi Maria Architects Open Studio

30 October, 1, 4, 6, & 8 November
Open Studio

Menceritakan proses desain yang dijalani oleh yolodi maria architect.

Miles Films: Flickering Spirit Open Studio
Miles Films: Flickering Spirit Open Studio

Miles Films: Flickering Spirit Open Studio

1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 November 2024
Open Studio

Sebagai bagian dari rangkaian acara Bintaro Design District 2024 yang mengusung tema besar Analog Reality, Miles Films mempersembahkan “Flickering Spirit”, sebuah Open Studio dengan rangkaian pameran arsip, pemutaran film, dan diskusi yang mengeksplorasi perjalanan panjang sinema analog mereka selama tiga dekade. Tema ini menyoroti bagaimana pengalaman analog yang kian memudar masih relevan di tengah dominasi […]



2, 4, 5, 6, dan 8 November 2024
Open Studio

At the heart of Discovery Eola Bintaro, a home once known to have undergone a captivating evolution, has now evolved into a modern office space that gracefully blends tradition and innovation. With respect to its origins, the home’s original structure remains testament to its history, while contemporary architectural motifs have breathed new life into its design. […]

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